Tool Development

Tool development is an absolute essential part of injection molding. We at toolcom make the simplest mould for high-profile designs. We follow and design the mould based on European standard parts. Effective cooling systems are planned to make sure the product’s aesthetical requirements and desired productivity are met. The moulds are made of suitable hardened steel to ensure the desired mould life.

Types of tools we make

  •  Thermo plastic
  •  Thermo set
  •  Pressure die casting
  •  Jigs and fixtures

1. Concept design

The first process of any tool development is making a concept. Our expert team will feed your input into our digital processing unit and design the details perfectly.

2. Design for Manufacturability (DFM) review

Post concept design process we go through a process to check if the design is compatible for manufacturing. If not then we do the tweaks to make it compatible for manufacturing.

3. Detailed Design

Once the concept is designed, we will be looking forward to design the USP of the product. With digitalized detailing, we will convert the concept into a much realistic and practical design.

4. Tool manufacturing

Once DFM is complete, the tool is put into manufacturing process.

5. Tool validation

Once the tool has been completely developed, It goes through a validation process to make sure everything is alright.

6. Production Part Approval Process(PPAP)

After the production of the tool is done, the product is sent for an approval from the client.